
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oh goodness... I've started a blog!!!??

So...I never thought I would be the type of person to start a blog.  I mean, I look at them for so many amazing ideas and love to see how passionate others are about their job as I am.  All the projects and posts from others always seem so Pinteresty that I thought, "My stuff isn't always cute.  What do I have to offer?"  Well, I came to the conclusion that I didn't start this blog for others.  I started it for me!  (Let's be honest, if it helps others in the least bit, I would be thrilled! I am all for sharing ideas and not recreating the wheel!)  I've always been the type of person that didn't need things to be cute anyway.  Don't get me wrong, if it's cute, bonus points!  But I probably won't be that person that creates something with cool graphics just to be cute.  I spend most of my time on content and leave the cute graphics to other teacher pros who are willing to share/sell their materials!

So my hubby and I just found out we're pregnant!  It's our first!  I wanted a way to start documenting my life so that I can look back and remember all those moments and what's gone on that was fun, happy, cool, sad, not so cool, frustrating, full of laughter, etc.  I am hoping this can be a blog with a combination of  teaching and personal life moments and how I struggle to juggle the two.  I know this is possible because I know plenty of amazing teachers who are also moms!  As in the title, "Teaching Has Spilled Into My Everyday Life," most of my time is spent thinking about school that I feel uncertain how I will balance that with my upcoming mommyhood duties.  If I want to work late, I can give my hubby a call and say, "For dinner, let's fend for ourselves!"  The dogs have a backyard, so they're okay too.  I don't think I can leave a newborn baby out in the yard with the dogs or without proper nutrition.  Yikes!  This next coming year will be an adventure for sure.

These are some reasons I know teaching has consumed my life...

  1. For Christmas one year, all I wanted was a document camera and was thrilled my husband got me one!  This was to ensure no matter what classroom or school I was in, I would have my most treasured and valuable tech tool.  
  2. My first day of summer break 2013 was spent revamping my classroom newsletters.  I got yelled at by my husband.
  3. I have spent my summers applying to teacher workshops around the country so I can LEARN more about what I teach to bring it back to my kids.
  4. My dogs were forced wanted to pose for my classroom anchor charts.
  5. I don't like to go places for a long weekend (unless planned way in advance) because I want to plan and grade (Well, I don't want to grade, I just need to).
  6. Once I was unexpectedly hospitalized for a cavernous angioma (brain bleed) and went back to work in 4 days even though my vision was skewed because I wanted to teach!  (Don't worry, I'm totally okay now... lucky!)  Hey, I got to use the excuse "Sorry, guys, brain bleed," every time I forgot something.  Eventually, the kids said I couldn't use that excuse anymore!  Those rascals.
  7. I hate when people plan weddings the first few weekends that school starts.  Don't they know I'm busy??? (J/K, I really do love weddings!)
  8. I had a dream that my class left the room a complete mess and I broke out into song (during my Glee phase) with Beyonce's part in Lady Gaga's "Telephone" singing "This is a disaster!"
  9. I started this blog tonight even though my new math unit I'm starting TOMORROW isn't even fully planned yet, the house is a mess for my in-laws coming to town, my hubby's on me about making a nutritious dinner (all of a sudden, he's more in tune with how healthy I'm eating...hehe),  and... Wait, this has nothing to do with how teaching consumes my life.  It's just showing how bad I am at multi-tasking right now.  Never mind.
  10. I We planned to have this baby in the spring because I am that anal about having a long term sub in my classroom at the START of a school year.  Middle of the year, ok, but not ideal.  Spring?  Take your maternity leave once you've pretty much done your job and then have the summer with your newborn!

Okay... talk about the ramblings of a first post!  Cheers to this online adventure! (Have a glass of wine with your cheers for me since I can't right now!)
Spring baby on the way!!!

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