
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Time Has Come!!!

I gave birth to baby Max on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 4:24 PM.  He weighed in at 5 pounds, 8 ounces and was 18.5 inches long with a head diameter of 13.25 inches.  He was a bit on the small side, but is healthy and has been putting on weight since!

So all my long term sub planning went really well and even though I delivered a week early, I was pretty well prepared.  My sub and I spent the week working together before that Saturday and when I knew I was going into labor, I felt GOOD (about the class being left to someone else)!

Anyway, have you ever seen this I Love Lucy episode when Lucy is due any minute???  Haha.  I think my husband was expecting something along these lines.

Instead, here's how the morning really went...

My water broke at 4:28AM and I made it to the bathroom.

I called my husband from the bathroom to alert him.  "Are you serious?" was what he first said.

I reminded him that my OBGYN said that if I was not having contractions yet, then I had some time to clean myself up before going in and not to stress about leaving immediately.

So I took a shower and told him to feed the pups and make sure they had water outside.  Then he alerted the parents and immediate family via text (since it was still pretty early their time...3:30AM to be exact).

Then I told him to go hop in the shower as well since we didn't know how long we'd be there.  The hospital bag was already packed in the car along with the car seat.  All I wanted to do was pack some snacks in case I got hungry.

While out looking for snacks, I saw a few dishes laying around and the dishwasher almost full.  So I loaded it up and started it since I figured we would want to come home to a clean set of dishes.  At that time, my husband comes out and tells me I shouldn't be doing dishes!

My stomach started to cramp a bit, but not at all painful, so that's when we put the dogs out and made our way to the hospital.  Totally NOT the I Love Lucy version!  At one point during the morning, he even said, "This is not how I pictured how the morning would be."

So, here he is!


By the way... is it just me or do these pictures not all look like the same baby???  Perhaps he's growing so quickly in his first week already?  Haha.

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