
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Organize in June for August

So I just thought I'd post what I've been doing the past couple of years to prepare for the following school year... in JUNE before school gets out when it comes to what you need to purchase.

I had to stay extremely organized because I've had to pack up my entire classroom every year for the past 7 years of teaching (bad economy = lay offs based on seniority, grade level changes, carpet removal and remodeling of school, etc.). My 8th year (this year) will be the first time I won't have to pack everything up! Phew!!! And the year I had a baby too! It couldn't have come at a better time.  :)

Anyway, I'm sure if you've taught a few years, or even one, you know some things you will want to continue buying for your classroom year after year.  To ensure it's ready at the beginning of the year, these things need to be bought during the summer.  With so many expenses, you never want to buy too much, just enough for your anticipated class numbers, plus some.  We teachers are already semi hoarders.  Let't not add to it.

I basically have a chart that I fill out in June.  Then when I've had some wine and down time, I start thinking about school and prep by buying needed items.  To avoid having to go to campus just to see what I have and don't have (In my case in years past, everything was in boxes, so it was near impossible.), I fill this out in June before putting everything away.  The count for what's leftover in June can also be approximate or if I KNOW I have enough, then I don't even bother counting.  This just helps me purchase what I need and not have a ton of extra leftovers.  Also, I tend to save on shipping costs if I purchase most things together.

You DON'T want to have to dig through everything just to figure out what you have/need. Yup, this is what my dining area looked like for a few years in a row.

Once I purchase items, I start prepping them. Here are just a few beginning of the year things I provide students and how I attempt to organize them.

Pencil Box that contains:
smile face eraser, pencil with grip, sharpener
To keep an accurate count once they are prepped (or not prepped), I layer them and mark the amount I have to avoid having to count every time I need to know how many I have left, like in the pictures below.  If I have items that are more difficult to layer, I simply write on the bag how many I have left (such as student posters, Valentine mazes I give out, etc.).

Any notebook/folder labels that are needed are printed and put together so that I can just give students strips of what they'll need instead of taking one label off, passing it on, etc.

My list of purchases used to be much longer when I worked at schools where almost ALL kids come with nothing, so I really feel for you teachers.  Providing for that demographic is even more spendy.  I still do purchase some binders, dividers, etc. for kids who I know don't come prepared.

There are some things I prep in June for the following fall as well...certain copies/packets, prep folders, sharpen pencils (This is TEDIOUS at the beginning of the year.  My time can be better spent than sharpening pencils without student/parent help.), and more.  I guess I can add a "what to prep" section and amount needed to my chart as well...

Happy getting back to work.  We all know teachers work during their summers, so even though we have it off, hats off to you and good luck with next year's prepping! Wouldn't it be nice to have a parent or two volunteer to prep for you over the summer???  :)

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